This post is taken from IZULAT blog repost here
Fingerprints nowadays is important regarding legal
documents and others that require fingerprints but what if you and some of the
member of your family have no fingerprints in their fingers? That is the case
reported on BBC website about the Sarker family which suffered due to lack of
fingerprints on their fingers. But Sarker family is not the only family in the
world who suffer from being no fingerprints among the members of their family
there are there who suffer the same fate.
The condition according to the information in the internet,
is a rare condition and is not common among families and members of the
families. The rare condition is called “Adermatoglyphia. ” or “Immigration Delay Disease”
“Almost every
person is born with fingerprints, and everyone's are unique. But people with a
rare disease known as adermatoglyphia do not have fingerprints from birth.
Affecting only four known extended families worldwide, the condition is also called
immigration-delay disease, since a lack of fingerprints makes it difficult for
people to cross international borders. In an effort to find the cause of the
disease, dermatologist Eli Sprecher sequenced the DNA of 16 members
of one family with adermatoglyphia in Switzerland. Seven had normal
fingerprints, and the other nine did not. After investigating a number of genes
to find evidence of mutation, the researchers came up empty-handed—until a grad
student finally found the culprit, a smaller version of a gene called SMARCAD1.
….The larger SMARCAD1 is expressed throughout the body, but the smaller form
acts only on the skin. Sure enough, the nine family members with no
fingerprints had mutations in that gene. Being born without fingerprints
doesn't occur simply because one gene has been turned on or off, Sprecher said.
Rather, the mutation causes copies of the SMARCAD1 gene to be unstable. That
mutation is also the first link in a long chain of events that ultimately
affects fingerprint development in the womb. The rest of the links in the chain
are still a mystery, said Sprecher, of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.”(National
“The finger pads of
people with adermatoglyphia are entirely flat—they have none of
the arching or looping ridges that characterize the fingerprints of
virtually all humans. Otherwise, though, people with the condition are entirely
healthy, minus a slightly reduced number of sweat glands. There are
other genetic disorders (including NFJS and dermatopathia
pigmentosa reticularis) that lead to missing fingerprints, but they also cause
much more severe health impacts, such as thin, brittle hair and
teeth.”(Smithsonian Mag)
The main point : No fingerprints on one’s fingers
nowadays are likely to suffer about legal documents and other matters that
requires one’s fingerprints thus the condition is called “immigration delay
disease”. The condition is also called “Adermatoglyphia. ” The condition is rare.
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image from Science Mag website |
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