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What Is A Computer?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 | 0 comments

What Is Computer? What Is A Computer?

A "COMPUTER" as it says is a "Computer"; a thing that computes: it can be a person or something.But in here definition and site we do not refer it to a "Person" but we refer it to a "Thing"; "a thing that computes".

It is a thing design or program to do this and that.It accepts commands or have "programming".Like other appliances,it runs through and by "Electricity"; thus it is an electronic thing; A thing that can be run by putting electricity on it.

Like other appliances,television,refrigerator,radio,electric fan,etc. it has a program how it will run and what it is indeed really; what is to be process on it.

COMPUTER process as it is; as it was program or design to be.

If COMPUTER name as "Computer",so what does it computes? If it is a "Computer Thing"?

It computes what it is or design or programmed to be and what it is use for or its usage or what it is.Programs and datas can be stored on it and it process the programs and datas stored or installed on it,so that the user can use the programs or data installed on it.

It computes itself and computes what it is(what it is use for) and computes what is installed on it to make it useful to the user for that is what it is - "COMPUTER".

For example, it computes the program or data you installed and store respectively on it so that you can use it as a user on it or within all its parts- monitor,hardware,keyboard,mouse,etc.

COMPUTER make programs and or software runs and use it as what the programs you installed is all about.It runs data you installed or stored on it so that you can use it.

It computes programs,applications or softwares,and datas to make programs,applications or software and datas use-able.

It is meant for computing datas,programs,and applications or software to make use-able; to make datas,programs,and applications or software use-able.

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